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A member registered Oct 13, 2021

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The game only has routes for Thomas, Kevin, David, Norman and Ian. Sadly it doesn't have anything for Zac, Steve, Willy and Charlie (tho you can unlock 2 CGs for Charlie but that's it.)

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I am so sorry, I meant "restroom," we call it comfort room in my country. :( Hope you already unlocked the route

Did you fix the car with him?  And I think triggering the dinner time grabbing his ass accidentally is also necessary.

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Hi no problem! You can ask me anything. I answered "yes" to all his "you like what you see?" And I also went with Thomas to dinner ever night. I don't think the dinner thing affects the other routes. (Around Day 14 or 15 there's one scene during dinner time that revolves around Kevin. I think it's vital for the route's progression too. Choose "prank" to do this) Make sure to save every time a dialogue with Kevin comes up. Dialogues seem to play a huge part in the route's progress.

Also I remember answering both the "I think you're cold" and "I don't know" in the shower scene in two separate playthroughs and it both worked. But make sure to save this one in case the other doesn't actually work, good luck! 

Managed to finish Kevin's route, here's some tips: just choose the blunt choices. At some point you'll see him at the gym, at the stock room (underground floor with the gate), at the comfort room,  cubicles and his room (102).

 On your first day off, don't accept Thomas' invitation, fix the car, choose Thomas,  then call Kevin.  First s*x scene should be in the Camping trip. 

It's not really a complete walkthrough yet, it just tells you what day the CGs appear. So no actual help in the choices yet. I bet the creator will release the complete thing soon at a much cheaper price or maybe even free. The patreon subscription I'm talking about also includes other stuff like mini games and other patreon exclusives so I think it's pretty fair. 

I also only got lucky stumbling to Kevin's route and the game gets easier once you get used to where they always show up and go (which is pretty obvious).
However, the game's pretty buggy as hell. I managed to finish Thomas' route, Kevin's and even Ian's without the walkthrough but I experienced a ton of loops and repeated dialogues throughout the whole process of figuring them out. I legit filled up almost all my saves just doing these three routes.

I get not needing a walkthrough as soon as possible since it defeats the purpose of "exploring" the game but it's really easy to understand why others need and want it. I already subscribed to the creator's patreon (to access their other games plus to know if there's a path for Charlie) and got the copy of the cheat map but even then it was confusing. So I'm willing to bet many players who do not have enough patience will get frustrated with the game without the walkthrough.

Seems there's a cheat map already available on the creator's patreon but it sadly costs double the game's price at 50 dollars.

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I just finished the game twice trying to ignore Thomas so I wouldn't trigger his route. I literally triggered no routes. Feels like the free demo had more content for other characters wtf haha. Couldn't even talk to the sergeant the whole time. What is happening helpp

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I feel like Thomas' route is so simple but the other options are way more complicated? Like getting Kevin's path is much harder compared to the demo it doesn't even make sense. I'm on Day 40 and after the camp thing with him nothing else happened. Anyone else figured out how to trigger his route?

Also please post below if you figured out which other routes are available lmao.